The Rabbit King: Kingdom Leporidae

The Rabbit King: Kingdom Leporidae

Illustrated Learning for Kids and Adults

The Rabbit King: Kingdom Leporidae is a thought-provoking educational story
of overcoming adversity through hope, inspiration, making healthy choices, and living with a purpose.
Beautifully illustrated, written in rhyme, and rich with meaningful content - the positive-themed story of
The Rabbit King follows the protagonist, Hare, throughout three chapters:
The Orphan Hare, Hare to the Throne, and Royal Rabbit Day.

The Rabbit King: Kingdom Leporidae begins with Hare, an orphan hare,
alone and on his own. Hare sees “hope in a kingdom, high upon a hill,”
and hops the distance to begin a new life... where he gains
the admiration, respect, and trust of the king. The king adopts the orphan Hare,
making him a prince and heir to the throne.

Inspirational Teaching and Self-Improvement

Learn how The Rabbit King, a story of transformation, can teach Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) competencies
with motivational learning materials based on the book’s three chapters. Learning social and emotional skills will help
the children's self-improvement, enabling them to grow equipped to tackle life's issues
and cope with life's challenges, which also improves the child's mental health.